Exact Online - Error ‘Can’t determine exchange rate’ / ‘Not allowed: Currency’ is shown when importing statements via Exact PSD2 link for Rabobank (NL)
Incident Report for Exact System
The issue has been resolved. All Exact PSD2 links for Rabobank are working as intended again. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Posted Sep 05, 2024 - 17:39 CEST
A structural fix has been implemented and the issue has been resolved. All new bank files can be imported successfully without facing unjustified errors regarding currencies and exchange rates. In the case you still have failed imports which block the import of new bank files, you can resolve this by clicking the hyperlink ‘Retry’ in the automatic import log. We keep monitoring the situation.
Posted Sep 05, 2024 - 13:51 CEST
The issue has been identified and we are working on a fix. The frequency of the automatic import for the Exact PSD2 link for Rabobank is reduced from four to one time a day until further notice. Please refrain from manual transaction retrieval via the financial cockpit as this may cause duplicate entries.
As soon as an update is available we will update this page.
Posted Sep 02, 2024 - 13:09 CEST
It is possible that the automatic import of bank statements via the Exact PSD2 link for Rabobank fails with one of the following errors:
- Can't determine exchange rate for currency X on date Y
- Not allowed: Currency

We are investigating the issue. As soon as more information becomes available we will update this page. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Posted Aug 30, 2024 - 13:07 CEST
This incident affected: Bank links / PSD2.