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Bank links / PSD2 Operational
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Degraded Performance
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Scheduled Maintenance
Exact Proquro - Scheduled Maintenance Sep 7, 2024 03:00-04:00 CEST
We will be undergoing maintenance for Exact Proquro during the specified timeframe. Due to this maintenance you may experience short interruptions in Proquro. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Posted on Sep 05, 2024 - 13:02 CEST
Past Incidents
Sep 8, 2024

No incidents reported today.

Sep 7, 2024

No incidents reported.

Sep 6, 2024

No incidents reported.

Sep 5, 2024
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. All Exact PSD2 links for Rabobank are working as intended again. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Sep 5, 17:39 CEST
Monitoring - A structural fix has been implemented and the issue has been resolved. All new bank files can be imported successfully without facing unjustified errors regarding currencies and exchange rates. In the case you still have failed imports which block the import of new bank files, you can resolve this by clicking the hyperlink ‘Retry’ in the automatic import log. We keep monitoring the situation.
Sep 5, 13:51 CEST
Identified - The issue has been identified and we are working on a fix. The frequency of the automatic import for the Exact PSD2 link for Rabobank is reduced from four to one time a day until further notice. Please refrain from manual transaction retrieval via the financial cockpit as this may cause duplicate entries.
As soon as an update is available we will update this page.

Sep 2, 13:09 CEST
Investigating - It is possible that the automatic import of bank statements via the Exact PSD2 link for Rabobank fails with one of the following errors:
- Can't determine exchange rate for currency X on date Y
- Not allowed: Currency

We are investigating the issue. As soon as more information becomes available we will update this page. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Aug 30, 13:07 CEST
Resolved - This issue has been resolved. It is possible to retrieve transactions and sending payment files again via the Exact PSD2 link for Rabobank and the Rabo BoekhoudKoppeling. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Sep 5, 12:52 CEST
Investigating - At the moment it is not possible to retrieve transactions or send payment files via the Exact PSD2 link for Rabobank and the Rabo BoekhoudKoppeling. Rabobank is working hard to solve the issue. We will update this page as soon as new information becomes available. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Sep 5, 07:55 CEST
Sep 4, 2024

No incidents reported.

Sep 3, 2024
Resolved - This issue has been resolved. Emails for annual fiscal declarations are being send again from Fiscaal Gemak. Previously failed approval emails have been resent. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Sep 3, 16:52 CEST
Investigating - Emails for annual fiscal declarations recently submitted for approval are currently not being sent from Fiscaal Gemak. As a result, clients are not receiving these approval emails. We are actively investigating the cause of this issue.
In the meantime, please refrain from submitting these declarations for approval by your clients if possible. If you have a deadline, it is advised to submit these declarations directly to the Chamber of Commerce (COC).

For declarations already sent for approval, you can start a new annual fiscal declaration based on the current one. Go to the declaration and look for the blue pop-up message stating, “These annual accounts have been sent to the client portal, you can no longer adjust these annual accounts. If you would like to start a new annual account based on these annual accounts, click here.”, and click on the word “hier.” This will create a copy.

You can expect updates as soon as new information is available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Aug 30, 19:16 CEST
Sep 2, 2024
Resolved - This issue has been resolved. The error that your license information is incorrect will not appear unjustly anymore. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Sep 2, 14:45 CEST
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.
Sep 2, 08:58 CEST
Investigating - You might get an error message that your license information is incorrect. We are investigating the issue. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 28, 13:25 CEST
Sep 1, 2024

No incidents reported.

Aug 31, 2024

No incidents reported.

Aug 30, 2024
Resolved - This issue has been resolved. You are able to create an employment for an already existing employee again when you edit the IKV number accordingly. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 30, 13:11 CEST
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Aug 30, 08:14 CEST
Investigating - It is currently not possible to create an employment for an employee that already exists. You will get the error 'This Income relationship number is already in use for this employee' on the 'Contract and organisation details'-page. The field to change the income relationship number is not available on this page. We are investigating this issue and will update this page as soon as new information is available. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 28, 10:13 CEST
Resolved - This issue has been resolved. The leave balance widget in My Employee Dashboard shows the correct balance again. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 30, 13:10 CEST
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Aug 30, 08:16 CEST
Investigating - The My Employee Dashboard leave balance widget shows incorrect amounts when leave requests exist on a leave type without the ‘add to balance’ checkbox. When you click through on the amount, the correct amount per leave type is shown. We are investigating this issue and will update this page when new information is available. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 28, 09:40 CEST
Aug 29, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Aug 29, 08:18 CEST
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Aug 28, 11:55 CEST
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue and work to resolve it as soon as possible. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 27, 15:47 CEST
Investigating - It is possible that the screens in ProQuro are not displayed correctly. This has to do with the latest update of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. The workaround for now is to use ProQuro in Mozilla Firefox, in which the pages are displayed correctly. We will continue to investigate this issue
Aug 26, 14:56 CEST
Aug 28, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Aug 28, 13:24 CEST
Identified - The filtering option “Display Zero Accounts” for including or excluding zero accounts in the trial balance of annual accounts is currently not functioning. As a result, zero accounts are now displayed by default in the trial balance. We are aware of this issue and are working on a fix. You can expect updates as soon as new information is available. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 21, 13:53 CEST
Aug 27, 2024
Aug 26, 2024
Resolved - This issue has been resolved. Our apologies for the inconvenience
Aug 26, 13:35 CEST
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Aug 26, 09:32 CEST
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.
Aug 22, 09:44 CEST
Investigating - You may experience getting an error stating 'You cannot edit the G/L account, cost unit and cost center of an accruals transaction' when correcting a transaction. We are investigating the issue. As soon as an update will become available we will inform you through this page. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 21, 15:30 CEST
Resolved - This issue has been resolved. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 26, 12:30 CEST
Investigating - You might get an error ‘Insufficient resources to perform operation’ when you try to save data in Online Samenwerken. We are investigating the issue. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Aug 21, 13:35 CEST
Aug 25, 2024

No incidents reported.